#OnStage2017 Swaps


Hi Everyone, as promised here is the post showcasing the #OnStage2017 Swaps last week. I have credited the demonstrator who gave me the swap, in a couple of cases I ended up with two or three of the same swaps – it can get very chaotic when everyone is milling around and I found that i looked at the swap more than the person giving it to me, then it went straight into my bag. It was only when my friend and I sat looking at them in the evening (over a glass of wine) that I saw I had some duplicates. No worries though, I had made 70 swaps and I didn’t bring any of them back with me so I have some great items to CASE. (Copy And Share Everything).


Yvonne Bevan
Yvonne Bevan
Sue Envis
Sue Envis
Fiona Harris
Fiona Harris
 Laurence Mirman
Laurence Mirman
Laurence Mirman
Laurence Mirman


 Pauline, De Bezige Bee
Pauline, De Bezige Bee
Ellie Cliffe, Ellie's Card Club
Ellie Cliffe, Ellie’s Card Club
Heidrun Hoppe
Heidrun Hoppe







These are just a few of the amazing swaps that I brought home with me. the stem of the rose is like a rock, the key ring is made with shrink plastic and the ‘Fiesta’ tab pulls round to reveal the Llama – amazing.

The little matchbook that I made contained London themes charms as scissor charms. Thank you for swapping with me.

If there are any you would particularly like to know how to make please leave a comment below or email me at Stampingwithfiona@gmail.com and I will be happy to share the instructions with you.

I have plenty more swaps, unfortunately some of them don’t have any names on them so i am unable to credit the creator and I have quite a lot that I haven’t had a chance to have a good look at so will share more with you next week.

In the meantime, I wish you a Happy Easter and ‘keep crafting’.


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